B Sharp Big Band

1 Review Melbourne, VIC Phone: 1300 443 210


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Written on 26th Jul 2016

On behalf of Open Family Australia I would like to say it has been a great pleasure to have the B# Big Band as our main entertainers for the last four years for our gala event – A Night on the Streets.

It has been a pleasure to work with such a professional group of musicians who are able to be creative in their approach to our theme and musical direction.

As you know, A Night on the Streets, is a unique event where we theme everything around world destinations and B# Big Band has always risen to the challenge of creating sets to the “countries” we travel through the night.

We have received numerous accolades from our guests as to how fantastic the band is and there is always large numbers of guests “cutting the rug” on the dance floor throughout the night. Our corporate guests come from a variety of companies and we have many high level executives in the audience and we have received numerous emails and letters after the event commenting on what a great night it is and how much they enjoyed the music.

Henry, it would be my pleasure to recommend you for future events and hope that you continue your association with Open Family Australia in the future.

Kind regards

